Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dreaming of high school???

i keep having weird dreams about high school, an dmore importantly people from high school. People i haven't spoken to in a very long time, and people that really, are not all that nice. And are not people i really need in my life.
Yet, most nights i dream of them, dream of being with them, hanging around, calling them, etc etc.
it's very off putting.
and frustrating, because I'm very dreamy for the first half hour of so of being awake, so i feel as if i can't tell if i was dreaming or if i actually have spoken to these people.
Which of course, makes me feel that i should, and sad that i don't.

I'm not really sure what's going on. When i think properly about it, i really don't want to be friends anymore, and there are clear reasons why i have moved away from that group... and yet i just keep dreaming....

Are the dreams my true desires? Do i really want to continue my friendship? And yet, i have friends now that understand me so much better, that are more loyal, that are truly better friends then they ever were.

I do miss the old days occassionally. Like how much Kelly used to make me laugh. And then yet, now i know she is a very different person, and to be around her, is no longer fun, but stressful.
I miss katherine, and sarah. Those who i know are still reasonable people. But perhaps really, i miss them all, i simply know that katherine and sarah would still accept me wholeheartedly. Others only would on the surface. I would still be waiting for the backstabbing behind my back high school crap once i left the room.
i think i need to move on.
I think i need to realise that the people i was friends with at the beginning of high school, are very much different people now. And for that matter, so am i.
Perhaps those friendships cannot exist anymore, as those people do not exist.

I know this logically....
really wish my dreams were more logical too.

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